“Was it a bad day?
Or was it a bad five minutes that you milked all day?”
We all have bad days. My new year has not started out well. I was sick as I stepped into the first week of January, then I took my car in for a winter tire exchange only to find I needed a full brake job that cost me $1800+. My right knee, which has bothered me for years, is the worst it’s ever been, and I have started physiotherapy twice a week to try and resolve that and avoid surgery if I can.
I can look at the flip side of all these problems. Being sick stopped me in my tracks of a life that I notoriously fill to the brim with activity. I was quiet, read books, watched movies, wrote friendly e-mails, and had ample amounts of time to think about my life and my future.
We know that cars cost money. They are not an investment that keeps growing. I can rest assured that my brakes and emergency brake are now set for many years of use with no problems.
Although my physiotherapy is not easy, I have found an exercise program that works! This is my third time investing in the GLA:D program for those with identified osteoarthritis in knees or hips over several years. I attend bi-weekly and look forward to getting stronger with each session. And if it doesn’t, then I will look at surgery. I am thankful that I haven’t had to do that yet.
So, when people ask how are you, I don’t focus on my lousy beginning to my year. I say, I’m feeling great now, thank you. My car got fixed and I got extra visits in with my daughter and family as they helped me out by lending me their car over five days. Bonus! I have started my physiotherapy and I am confident that I will get stronger as the weeks pass. How lucky I am that I have access to such a program with my benefit package.
Yes, the year started out badly but it also had many benefits. I could dwell on the negatives and make myself miserable and probably all those around me as I complain constantly. Or, I could say, yay, I got through that and I move forward with expectations of good things happening. I choose what I focus on. I choose to find the positives out of negative situations and live my life with hope and gratitude. We all can do that. Choose to be happy.